Rio Americano High School

The Mirada

Rio Americano High School

The Mirada

Rio Americano High School

The Mirada

Varsity Baseball Loses First Playoff Game after Placing Second in League

The varsity baseball team takes a knee for a pregame talk.

The Rio Americano varsity baseball team’s season came to an end on May 8 after they lost their first playoff game. A great regular season led them to the playoffs, but they lost 10-0 to Granite Bay.

During the regular season, the team posted an overall record of 20 wins and nine losses, placing second in their league. Last season, the team had an overall record of 27-7.

Junior JT Alberghini, in his second year on varsity, led the group with both the highest batting average (.474) and the highest on-base percentage (.600).

Senior Sam Marr had the most runs (25) and senior Mac Hausman had the most hits (29).

Players said the team had a good season and returning athletes are looking forward to next year.

“We had an overall decent season,” sophomore Everett Filippo said. “The team got along very well and we beat a fair amount of teams. We’re all pretty upset about how it ended. I have high hopes for next year and the upcoming varsity talent.”

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Zayn Safi, Staff Writer

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